Feb 2, 2011

Runner Extraordinaire and CFNC Supporter, Brooke Curran, in Washingtonian Magazine

CFNC supporter, Alexandria resident and runner extraordinaire, Brooke Curran, was featured in December's Washingtonian Magazine and CFNC was mentioned!

Brooke's mission is to "Run Globally and Act Locally!" so she has committed to completing one marathon per month on every continent, in each of the 50 states and the five world majors (Boston, New York, London, Chicago and Berlin) while raising money to support Alexandria charities through her RunningBrooke Fund. So far, Brooke has completed marathons in 20 states, four of the five majors and on five continents, with Antarctica and Africa still on her to-do list.

In 2010, CFNC was very fortunate to be the recipient of money raised through the RunningBrooke Fund and is excited about the progress that Brooke has made in 2011. To read more about Brooke, where she's running next and how you can become a part of the race, visit her website at www.runningbrooke.com

This just in! Brooke is currently recruiting 50 runners to participate in the National Half Marathon while raising money for the RunningBrooke Fund. Runners receive a training program and coaching from Brooke, team gear, a cheering station, an after-party (provided by Lululemon), race-day pace setters and more! Read the flier here.

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