Feb 28, 2011

CFNC Visits The Air and Space Museum

On Friday, February 11, CFNC students from all 10 classrooms, as well as parents and staff members, enjoyed an exciting field trip to The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. CFNC is extremely grateful to PNC Bank's Grow Up Great Program for making the field trip possible, and for connecting CFNC with the patient and nurturing staff at the Museum who made the field trip such a success!

The morning began with a 10 AM private showing of One World, One Sky in the Museum's planetarium. The 20-minute planetarium show follows Sesame Street's Big Bird and Elmo as they explore the night sky with Hu Hu Zhu, a Muppet from the Chinese co-production of Sesame Street. Together, they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth. Children attending the show interact as they watch, drawing constellations and counting the time it takes the sun to set. The show aims to nurture a child's natural sense of wonder about the night sky, and it clearly did just that for CFNC's students as they laughed, clapped and sang along. Many seemed to be in awe of the planetarium format, which makes you feel as if you are moving along with the characters in the show. Children squealed in delight and one exclaimed: "That was so much fun!"

The field trip continued as children made shadow puppets and explored science
concepts throughout the Museum. When buses picked up children at 12:30 PM, CFNC students were full of new questions, ideas and lessons learned, many that teachers will continue to build and expand upon back in the classroom.

"It was a truly wonderful day for all involved," noted CFNC's Director of Education,
Sharon Shackelford. "Visiting the Air and Space Museum was a unique experience for CFNC's children and families and we greatly appreciate PNC Bank for the opportunity to expose them to science concepts in such a hands-on and exciting way."

To see more photos from the field trip, please visit CFNC's Photo Gallery.

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