Feb 28, 2011

Family Science Day

...And if they didn't get enough science at the Museum, more than 28 students and their families enjoyed CFNC's annual Family Science Day held on February 12. Children and their parents learned science concepts together by visiting a variety of stations to touch, feel, inquire, explore and experiment. Students received a participation prize for each experiment they completed.

Some of the favorite activities and experiments of the day included learning about sound vibration, making rubbings of animal figures, playing with light reflection and bubbles! The experiment that brought about the most excitement, giggles, and sometimes squirming was the Feely Touch Box. Children were required to put their hands in the box to determine what it was they were touching (for example, shells and blocks) and then draw their perceptions on paper. The drawings truly reflected the vivid imaginations of CFNC's students!

As the event drew to a close, it was wonderful to see children and parents reviewing the day's exciting activities and new learnings together...many to be continued at home, we are certain!

To see more photos from the Family Science Day, please visit CFNC's Photo Gallery.

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