Oct 29, 2008

CFNC Opens New Classroom in Arlington

In November, CFNC will be opening a new classroom in Arlington that will provide 16 children with free, accredited preschool. The classroom will be located at AHC, Inc.'s new affordable housing complex, The Gates of Ballston. AHC is a private, nonprofit developer of affordable housing in the mid-Atlantic region that provides quality homes for low- and moderate-income families. AHC is providing the classroom space rent-free for the first year.

As the cost of living continues to rise and wages continue to decline during these difficult economic times, many low and moderate income families simply cannot afford to own a home. By partnering with AHC, CFNC is able to provide low-income residents with a safe, nurturing environment for their young children. Many low-income families do not own cars, so providing high-quality preschool and family support services where they live reduces the barriers these families face.

Our expansion into The Gates of Ballston is part of a growing partnership with AHC. In 2005, we opened our first AHC-based classroom at Virginia Gardens in South Arlington, which will also serve 16 families this year. This past weekend, The Gates of Ballston celebrated the opening of their new community center in which our classroom is located (pictured above). Our Executive Director, Barbara Mason, and our board member, Barbara Favola, were part of the ribbon cutting ceremony.

You can learn more about AHC,Inc. here.

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