Oct 4, 2011

A CFNC Success Story: Nancy and Alfredo

Success stories at CFNC abound. This month we'd like to share with you Nancy and Alfredo's story. Currently, the couple's twins are enrolled in CFNC's
preschool and in 2009 one of their older daughters was enrolled. It has been a joy to watch their progress.

When CFNC Social Worker, Glymaris Lugo, first met Nancy and Alfredo in 2009, their finances were unstable and the family was struggling. Nancy was unemployed and Alfredo's work hours were reduced. Glymaris was able to offer assistance through CFNC's Fund for Basic Needs Program and connected them with CFNC's on-site Job Placement Coach (a service that has since been cut, unfortunately). Nancy and Alfredo learned interview skills, how to build a resume and how to apply for jobs online. While applying for jobs as a preschool teacher--Nancy's dream--she was selected through CFNC's Paid Parent Program to be an assistant teacher in a CFNC classroom. With this experience added to her resume, Nancy was soon hired as a Teacher's Assistant at Bright Start Preschool where she remains employed today and has made great gains. Bright Start paid for her to take preliminary credits towards her Childhood Development Associate's Degree (CDA) for which she received certifications.

On a recent visit to their home, Alfredo proudly showed Glymaris his wife's certifications as well as a recently earned license for food management at Bright Start. He reported that Nancy received a raise this year and hopes to complete her CDA. Alfredo continues to work at the same job, and now feels at ease with his hours because it allows him flexibility to be able to pick up his daughters from school. Once the twins are in Kindergarten, he will look for a morning job. With CFNC's assistance, the family now receives temporary help from the city and has made adjustments in their expenses and budget.

CFNC shares Alfredo's pride for his family's hard work and achievements and expects more growth and success in the years to come.

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